One by one the person swallowed so many coins, the stomach swelled like a balloon, had to be taken out after surgery

One by one the person swallowed so many coins, the stomach swelled like a balloon, had to be taken out after surgery

Strange cases are seen in the world, on which it becomes difficult for anyone to believe. One such case stunned even the doctors who performed a stomach surgery on a person, then something was filled inside, which no one could have expected. That person was swallowing coins for months.

When 187 coins came out of a person’s stomach, the doctors were also surprised. The matter is of Bagalkot in Karnataka. When an X-ray was done in the hospital after seeing a person’s bloated stomach, it was found that coins of ₹ 1, 2 and ₹ 5 were lying in the body. After surgery, the number of coins turned out to be 187.

The person who ate the coins had to undergo surgery
Ate the coins, but could not digest, the result was that the stomach swelled like a balloon and it was time to reach the hospital. A person reached the hospital due to stomach pain, where along with the pain, the stomach was swollen like a balloon, seeing which the doctors were also surprised to understand what is inside the stomach, what is the problem, the doctors got his checkup done, seeing the result grabbed the head. There was a lot of coins in the person’s stomach. But it was not known what his number was. Therefore, when the doctors performed surgery, 187 coins were removed from the stomach. Out of the coins that were taken out from the stomach of the person, 56 coins were of ₹ 5. There were 51 coins of ₹2. While the number of coins of ₹ 1 was 80.

It was challenging for the doctors to extract coins from their stomachs.
The name of the person who is being mentioned here who swallows coins is Daymappa, whose age is 58 years. And according to the family, he is mentally deranged. The family also says that for the last several months, he kept accumulating so many coins in his stomach slowly. Due to which severe pain and bloating started in his stomach. However, family members also say that despite being mentally deranged, Devampappa remains in control. But no one came to know when he started swallowing these coins. According to Dr. Ishwar Kalburgi, who performed the surgery on the person who swallowed the coins, this case was different and extremely challenging for him and his team as well. After its success, they heaved a sigh of relief.

Tags: Ajab Gajab news, Good news, shocking news, Weird news

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